to Oct 27


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Kathleen Kvern and Nina Martine Robinson present masked/un-masked

Working with textile, encaustic, and mixed media, the goal of this collaboration is to explore the elaborate strategies intentionally learned and un-intentionally developed as a response to the complexities of being autistic for one artist and recovering from mental health issues on the other. Conjointly our pieces address exploration of the nuances of identity from the emotional, spiritual, mental, and physical levels.

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Ways of Seeing the Natural World

Ways of Seeing the Natural World

Working with oil, encaustic and mixed media, artists Peter Truran and Kathleen Kvern have collaborated to explore the intersection of art and nature from both a naturalistic and abstracted artistic perspective. Drawing inspiration from the Arboretum and farther afield, this exhibition offers viewers a glimpse into unique ways of seeing the natural world.

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Layers of Being
to Feb 12

Layers of Being

The artists of Layers of Be-ing use various media to encourage viewers to see below the surface to find our shared humanity.

Kathleen Kvern’s abstract encaustic paintings use the luminosity, distortion and imperfections of her medium to connect to the mysteries of humanity. Cynthia Maria uses a layering and excavation process with cold wax medium to evoke subliminal vibrational energy in her work. Nina Martine Robinson uses deconstructed clothing and sewing techniques to create unique place-based fiber works that encourage a dialogue about awareness and acceptance of neurodiversity.

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“Landscapes in the Abstract” Northfield Arts Guild Gallery
to Aug 21

“Landscapes in the Abstract” Northfield Arts Guild Gallery

"Landscapes in the Abstract" runs from July 15-Aug 21, 2021 at the Northfield Guild featuring my Interstice series alnd also features work by Joel Froehle (ceramic wall sculptures), Lars Samuelsson (landscape photographs), and Kimberly Wetzel (charcoal on vellum drawings).

Click on the image for details.

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